Test What You Know About Sustainability

Which of the following things are linked to sustainability?

  1.   Recycling
  2.   Buying energy-saving products
  3.   Supporting green initiatives
  4.   All the above

Which of these resources offer the most sustainability?

  1.   Plastic
  2.   Rubber
  3.   Steel
  4.   Bamboo

What is sustainability? Sustainability is a… 

  1.   Choice
  2.   Service
  3.   Concept
  4.   Necessity

How is the term ‘Eco-friendly’ related to sustainability? 

  1.   Eco-friendly means good economics
  2.   Products that are eco-friendly cost less
  3.   Planting new trees is eco-friendly and supports sustainability
  4.   There is no connection at all

Why is bamboo so much more sustainable than cotton?

  1.   Bamboo regrows in less than 3 years
  2.   Bamboo fabrics are naturally microbe-resistant and biodegradable
  3.   Bamboo requires no pesticides or toxin chemicals to grow
  4.   All the above

Why are trees important to sustainability?

  1. One adult tree can clean 330 lbs. of carbon dioxide from the air
  2.   They produce beautiful autumn leaves
  3.   Lumber from trees helps build homes
  4.   Trees make our yards look nice


Check out the answers below. 



Which of the following things are linked to sustainability?

4. All of the Above

Which of these resources offer the most sustainability?

4. Bamboo

What is sustainability? Sustainability is a…

4.    Necessity

How is the term ‘Eco-friendly’ related to sustainability?

3.    Planting new trees is eco-friendly and supports sustainability

Why is bamboo so much more sustainable than cotton?

4.    All the above

Why are trees important to sustainability?

1. One adult tree can clean 330 lbs. of carbon dioxide from the air

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