How You Can Help Your Family Reduce Their Environmental Imprint

One important lesson to teach your children is the importance of taking care of the environment.

Something as simple as cleaning up after yourself at the beach or park can make a huge impact. Not only will your child do this but they will encourage their friends to do this as well. No lesson is too small when it comes to the environment as these things add up over a lifetime. Most people think to be eco-friendly that they will have to change their life immensely, but this could not be further from the truth. Small tweaks in lifestyle and purchasing habits can reduce waste immensely. The following are ways that you can help your family live in a more environmentally friendly way.

Water Filters Can Make a Difference

Being able to drink and use all of the water in the home is important. Wasting water down the sink to rinse your mouth out with bottled water is the definition of waste. Acwater purifier can help make all of your water usable, especially if the water in your area is of poor quality. Take advantage of pure water coming out of your faucets and sinks simply by making sure you can use it to cook, drink, or bathe in.

Eco-Friendly Lights and Appliances

Purchasing the right light bulbs can have immense impacts on the amount of electricity you use on a specific day. Older light bulbs use up to 10 times the electric as well as having a fraction of the lifetime of energy efficient bulbs. Things like the washer and dryer can be eco-friendly without sacrificing quality of the product. The refrigerator uses quite a bit of energy so making sure you have it set to energy saving mode. Refrain from filling the fridge all the way up as this is a waste of energy and a overfilled fridge simply is not necessary.

Be Proactive About Not Wasting Electricity

The one thing that many people do not realize is that many of the electronics in the home use electric even when they are turned off. Power strips can be a perfect way to turn off all of the electronics in a room as you leave it. Even chargers plugged in use electric when you are not charging your phone and computer. Before leaving the home you should set the AC a few degrees higher than normal if the temperature is warm outside. Homes with the capabilities can be cooled down by using a smartphone right before you get home. This will allow you to save money without having to come home to an insanely warm home.

Buy Brands That Produce Products Responsibly in Respect to the Environment

Being knowledgeable about the business practices of various producers of products is important. Those companies that do not cut corners at the price of the environment need to be supported to help lower their prices. Once these eco-friendly brands begin to compete with the cheapest brands it will become the norm only to shop responsibly. Organically grown vegetables are a great example of this as they might cost a bit more but their footprint on the environment is very little to none.

Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

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